Facts and Figures about Holy Nativity Catholic Church Terawi
and the Catholic Communities of Monsopiad, Mahandoi, Kanadaru, Tuaui, Bukitas, Sukod and Talang Taun. [UNTIL DECEMBER 2010]

From January 2012, this blog will only publish Activities/Sub-Activities of the St. Anne (Grandmother of Jesus) Catholic Prayer Group (SAPG Family), Penampang/Putatan.

Canon 1369
A person who uses a public show or speech, published writings, or other media of social communication to blaspheme, seriously damage good morals, express wrongs against religion or against the Church or stir up hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty.

Only men who take a vow of poverty, chastity and obedience can become priests. The Catholic church doesn't allow priests to marry or have romantic relationships. If a priest decides to marry, he must leave the priesthood. He can, however, serve the diocese as a deacon.


The Second Vatican Council, which convened in the early 1960s, beautifully described the role of the priest by noting three functions: "preach the Gospel and shepherd the faithful and... celebrate divine worship" (Lumen Gentium, 28). Interestingly, most Catholics may be more familiar with "celebrating divine worship," for example, the Mass. But the Second Vatican Council gives renewed priority to the ministry of the Word, which makes for a Gospel-based priesthood, and to the pastoral care of the faithful, which makes for a service-based ministry.

19 - 25.02.2018 (Mon-Sun): 3.00 p.m. 3 O'clock Prayer to the Divine Mercy........
19.02.2018 (Mon): 07.30 p.m. Thanksgiving prayer (with CODM) with Rev. Fr. Ned Columba Moujing at Mrrs. Mrs Felicia Francis Alasa residence, Kg. Ramayah, Limbanak, Penampang. Attire: SAPG Royal Blue.
19.02.2018 (Mon): 08.45 p.m. 29th Day Memorial (CODM) prayer for +Lucia Lizia Loisui at Mrrs. Michael Jitiol's residence, Kg. Koduntut, Kuai, Penampang. Attire: SAPG Royal Blue.
20.02.2018 (Tue): 08.00 p.m. 30th Day Memorial (CODM) prayer for +Lucia Lizia Loisui at Mrrs. Michael Jitiol's residence, Kg. Koduntut, Kuai, Penampang. Attire: SAPG Maroon.
21.02.2018 (Wed): 08.00 p.m. 31st Day Memorial (CODM) prayer for +Lucia Lizia Loisui at Mrrs. Michael Jitiol's residence, Kg. Koduntut, Kuai, Penampang. Attire: SAPG Blue (light).
22.02.2018 (Thu): 08.00 p.m. 32nd Day Memorial (CODM) prayer for +Lucia Lizia Loisui at Mrrs. Michael Jitiol's residence, Kg. Koduntut, Kuai, Penampang. Attire: SAPG Green.
23.02.2018 (Fri): 07.30 p.m. Station of the Cross at St. Aloysius Church Limbanak, Penampang. Attire: SAPG Purple.
23.02.2018 (Fri): 09.00 p.m. 33rd Day Memorial (CODM) prayer for +Lucia Lizia Loisui at Mrrs. Michael Jitiol's residence, Kg. Koduntut, Kuai, Penampang. Attire: SAPG Purple.
24.02.2018 (Sat): 08.00 p.m. 34th Day Memorial (CODM) prayer for +Lucia Lizia Loisui at Mrrs. Michael Jitiol's residence, Kg. Koduntut, Kuai, Penampang. Attire: SAPG White.
24 & 25.02.2018 (Sat & Sun): Attending Holy Mass at..........
25.02.2018 (Sun): 08.00 p.m. 35th Day Memorial (CODM) prayer for +Lucia Lizia Loisui at Mrrs. Michael Jitiol's residence, Kg. Koduntut, Kuai, Penampang. Attire: SAPG RED.
**Programs and schedule might change acoording to priorities and request.

1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or conceited or proud; love is not ill-mannered or selfish or irritable; love does not keep a record of wrongs; love is not happy with evil, but is happy with the truth. Love never gives up; and its faith, hope, and patience never fail.

If God answers your prayer, He is increasing your faith; If He delays, He is increasing your patience; If He doesn't answer your payer, He is preparing the Best of you!!!

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them. Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love." Mother Theresa of Calcutta.

"We are like children, who stand in need of masters to enlighten us and direct us; and God has provided for this, by appointing his angels to be our teachers and guides." - Saint Thomas Aquinas

"The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires self-distrust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no disciple." - Amos Bronson Alcott

"Learning is finding out what you already know, Doing is demonstrating that you know it, Teaching is reminding others that they know it as well as you do. We are all learners, doers, and teachers." - Richard David Bach


Catholics has NO OBLIGATION to follow or believe PRIVATE REVELATIONS. We are only obliged to follow PUBLIC REVELATIONS like the BIBLE. The Pieta Prayer Book is not imprimatured as a whole and, I think if you check, it is published by Baysiders. On the whole, it is orthodox, but that particular bit of advice has bothered me ever since I first read it shortly after becoming a Catholic over thirty years ago, since 1977. It is completely absurd.

"Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles? In the same way, every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruits." - Matthew 7:15-20; "Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light." - 2 Cor. 11:14

Public revelation is binding on all Christians, but private revelation is binding only on those who receive it. The Catholic Church teaches that public revelation was completed, and therefore was concluded, with the death of the last apostle (Vatican II, Dei Verbum 4), but private revelation has continued. "Throughout the ages, there have been so-called ‘private’ revelations, some of which have been recognized by the authority of the Church. They do not belong, however, to the deposit of faith. It is not their role to improve or complete Christ’s definitive revelation, but to help live more fully by it in a certain period of history. Guided by the magisterium of the Church, the sensus fidelium[collective sense of the faithful] knows how to discern and welcome in these revelations whatever constitutes an authentic call of Christ or his saints to the Church. Christian faith cannot accept ‘revelations’ that claim to surpass or correct the revelation of which Christ is the fulfillment, as is the case in certain non-Christian religions and also in certain recent sects which base themselves on such ‘revelations’" (Catechism of the Catholic Church 67). Some people tend to go to one extreme or the other on private revelation; they either completely reject the concept or they consider private revelation their chief rule of faith.

I believe these revelations are of a similar type as those of Sr. Faustina. The revelations by Jesus to Faustina concerned Divine Mercy. The revelations by Jesus to Vogel were a condemnation of criticism of priests. The revelations may have occurred in 1929 - in Southern Germany - I don't really know. The revelations to Faustina are accepted and approved by the Church. I would like to know whether the revelations to Vogel are likewise approved. A printed version of the revelations to Vogel appear in a small prayer book called the Pieta.

The Pieta Prayerbook does contain borderline stuff, and there is plenty of "private revelation" in it's pages which technically doesn't bind the faithful. I cited this, however, to remind people that there is a fairly long-standing Catholic tradition of simply refraining from attacking the clergy and praying and doing penance instead. The "top management" is supposed to take care of the errant priests, and they often do without sounding a chorus of trumpets about it. When they don't, God sends someone from the "internal affairs" department, like St. Francis or St. Catherine. Do you know anyone in the So-Called Catholic blogosphere (SCCB) whose humility and holiness can be compared to St. Catherine? (I do know ONE; he NEVER attacks the clergy, by the way.) Remember she wrote letters to Cardinals and had a direct audience with the Pope to encourage him to be more manly and get out of France.

I am still in need of someone to direct me to information on Mutter Vogel. Usually a site promoting what they believe to be the words of our Lord will have a source of history to the claim. The supposed prophecy is vague source. I agree gossiping about even a truth about anyone, priest or not is wrong, but there are grounds for bringing issues of one priest to the attention of another priest or his superior. The vague term of attack needs to be clarified. Attack as in, Father lost his temper or has bad breath or Father is hurting another person. Also, not speaking ill of, needs to be elaborated on. Is this Mutter Vogel suggesting our Lord said not to say anything negative about a priest to anyone? Or to limit the expression of your opinions or observations to certain persons in authority such as another priest?

There is this unhealthy strain of Romanticism concerning veneration of priests that is really disturbing and does not coincide with the reality of Catholic teaching, common sense and charity. For instance, if you get solicited by a priest in the confessional, if he makes overtures to you in any fashion of a sexual nature, you are obligated to turn him in, your absolution is automatically suspended and contingent upon your reporting this priest to your local ordinary and his superior. It seems people are taking the emotional hyperbole of great saints and turning them into doctrinal teachings. Catholics have to learn to separate the poetic musings of saints and blesseds and mystics from the clear, solid teaching of the Church. Let that teaching be your guide and not sentimental musings of saints that wrote rhapsodic prose on days where everything was going a certain way.

Yeah, this is one of those clerical maximalist private revelations that rears its ugly head around here from time to time. Thus, insulting the Church and the intelligence of her children. I don't doubt that a lot of repressed, young momma's boys with bad skin REALLY want to believe this but, when it comes right down to it, no one with more than a few brain cells rattling around the old noggin takes it seriously. Let's face it, even the most supercharged, super-sized, super-clerical among you would -- when confronted with a priest about to rape a child, or minta puji teriak-teriak macam tidak pernah belajar mengguna pembesar suara yang ada di depan mulutnya, or, say, slice of your mother's petticoat-- drop to his knees and pray. You would, at the very least, call the police. And, if you retained even a semblance of your humanity you'd beat the living hell out of him to protect the innocent. Cling to this garbage and you make an idol of individual priests and you throw the 1st Commandment down the lav……

Some people has become so desperate that the person is now using his/her own 'false teaching' about our Catholics faith to confuse the simple and ignorant faithful of the church to make a point and to sanction his/her illicit doing. In other word he/she is using the Private Revelations of Vogel as an AUTHORITY AND RULE OF FAITH overbidding the teaching of the Church and the Bible. I consulted to a few correspondent priests about Mutter Vogel and his revelations and they were horrified that some educated priest is using Vogel's revelations to score a point and to confuse the public. They said it is the duty of every Christian to report to the bishop when somebody is confusing the public with teachings that is against the teaching of the Catholic Church. A priest is given responsibility over the soul of the faithful and yet what somebody is doing is confusing the faithful by using PRIVATE REVELATIONS that has not been sanctioned by the Church as authority to condone his/her illicit action.
All info posted in this blog cannot be copied and paste or add detrimental remarks or publish in churches especially at the Holy Nativity Church Terawi without the permission and consent from the blog owner!!!

Revelation 22:18-19

This is my solemn warning to all who hear the prophecies in this book: if anyone adds anything to them, GOD will add to him every plague mentioned in the book; if anyone cuts anything out of the prophecies in this book, GOD will cut of his share of the tree of life and of the holy city, which described in the book.

CANON LAW: The Offences of Falsehood and Against Special Obligations


Can. 1391 The following can be punished with a just penalty, according to the gravity of the offence:
a person who composes a false public ecclesiastical document, or who changes or conceals a genuine one, or who uses a false or altered one;
a person who in an ecclesiastical matter uses some other false or altered document;
a person who, in a public ecclesiastical document, asserts something false.


Can. 1394 ß1 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 194, ß1, n. 3, a cleric who attempts marriage, even if only civilly, incurs a latae sententiae suspension. If, after warning, he has not reformed and continues to give scandal, he can be progressively punished by deprivations, or even by dismissal from the clerical state.

ß2 Without prejudice to the provisions of can. 694, a religious in perpetual vows who is not a cleric but who attempts marriage, even if only civilly, incurs a latae sententiae interdict.

Can. 1395 ß1 Apart from the case mentioned in can. 1394, a cleric living in concubinage, and a cleric who continues in some other external sin against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue (refer to the website http://catholicharboroffaithandmorals.com posted in the "LINK" below in order to understand the sixth commandment of the Decalogue) which causes scandal, is to be punished with suspension. To this, other penalties can progressively be added if after a warning he persists in the offence, until eventually he can be dismissed from the clerical state.

ß2 A cleric who has offended in other ways against the sixth commandment of the Decalogue, if the crime was committed by force, or by threats, or in public, or with a minor under the age of sixteen years, is to be punished with just penalties, not excluding dismissal from the clerical state if the case so warrants.


Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Father Weiser explains the customs surrounding Saint Ann or Anne. Her feast day is shared with her husband Joachim on July 26.


Saint Anne, or Ann, is not mentioned in the Bible. It was only in legendary books of the early Christian centuries that the names of Mary's parents were given as Joachim and Anne. Since the Fathers of the Church rejected the use of such legendary sources, the faithful in Europe had no feast in honor of our Lord's grand-parents. In the Middle East, however, the veneration of Saint Anne can be traced back to the fourth century.

The Crusaders brought the name and legend of Saint Anne to Europe, and the famous Dominican Jacobus de Voragine (1298) printed the story in his Golden Legend. From that time on the popular veneration of the saint spread into all parts of the Christian world. It was encouraged by the religious orders of the Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians, and Carmelites. In southern France a Feast of Saint Anne was celebrated as early as the fourteenth century. Pope Urban VI in 1378 extended it to England at the king's request. Not until 1584, however, did the feast become universal, when Pope Gregory XIII prescribed it for the whole Church.

As grandmother of Christ and mother of Mary, Saint Anne soon became the patron of married women, and for childless couples a special aid in obtaining children. According to legend she was married three times, first to Joachim, after his death to Cleophas, and finally to Salomas. This detail of the ancient story inspired young women to turn to her for help in finding a husband. After all, since she had had three husbands herself, should she not be able and willing to provide at least one bridegroom for those who trustingly appealed to her? In the languages of all European nations young women implored her: I beg you, holy mother Anne, Send me a good and loving man.

Her patronage of fertility was extended also to the soil. Thus she became a patron of rain. It is a popular saying in Italy that "rain is Saint Anne's gift"; in Germany, July rain was called "Saint Anne''s dowry"

Finally, the gentle grandmother of the Lord is everywhere invoked as one of the great helpers for various needs of body and soul. Many churches have been erected to her, most of them becoming famous centers of pilgrimages. One of the best-known shrines in this part of the world is St. Anne de Beaupré in Quebec, Canada.

From the eighteenth century on, Anne, which means "grace," was used more and more as a favorite name for girls. At the beginning of the nineteenth century it was the most popular girls' name in central Europe, surpassing even that of Mary. This preference was based on a famous saying of past centuries, "All Annes are beautiful." Naturally, parents wanted to assure this benefit for their baby daughters by calling them Anne or by adding Anne to a first name. Thus we have the many traditional names containing Anne or Ann (Mary Ann, Marianne, Marian, Ann Marie, Joanne, Elizabeth Ann, Lillian, Martha Ann, Louise Ann, Patricia Ann).

A hundred years ago there still remained the custom in many parts of Europe of celebrating Saint Anne's Day as a festival "of all Annes," meaning all beautiful girls. Dressed in their finery the bevy would parade through the streets with their escorts, bands would serenade them in parks and squares, balls would be held (both Johann Strausses composed "Anne Polkas" for this festival). Saint Anne's Eve was the day of receptions for debutantes at court and in private homes. Public amusements, including fireworks, entertained the crowds. The warm summer night was alive with laughter, beauty, music, and lights. And all of it was still connected in the hearts and minds of the participants with a tribute to Saint Anne, whose feast day shed its radiance upon this enchanting celebration.

LITURGICAL PRAYER — O God, who didst deign to confer on Saint Anne the grace to be the mother of her who was to give birth to Thy only-begotten Son: mercifully grant us, who celebrate her feast, that we may be helped by her intercession.
Activity Source: Handbook of Christian Feasts and Customs by Francis X. Weiser, S.J., Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York, 1958


St. Dismas was the so-called Good Thief who was crucified along with another thief (later named Gestas) and Jesus on the hill called Golgotha on the outskirts of Jerusalem. St. Dismas is the patron Saint of those condemned to Death.

Names of the Three Kings (Three Wise Men), and the gifts that each brought to the baby Jesus.
According to Matthew 2:1-12, "wise men" came from the East to visit Jesus, bearing gifts of gold, frankincense (an aromatic gum resin used in incense and perfumes), and myrrh (another aromatic plant resin). Christian tradition holds that these Magi (members of a priestly caste of ancient Persia) were named Balthazar, Gaspar, and Melchior. It is not clear just who carried which gift; the biblical account, in fact, makes no reference to specific names, or even to the fact that there were exactly three visitors. That number is deduced from the fact that there were three gifts.
Traditions identify a variety of different names for the Magi. In the Western Christian church they have been commonly known as:
Melchior (also Melichior), a Persian scholar
Caspar (also Gaspar, Jaspar, Jaspas, Gathaspa, and other variations), an Indian scholar
Balthazar (also Balthasar, Balthassar, and Bithisarea), an Arabian scholar
More information on wise men from the East, at JW McGarvey's "The Fourfold Gospel."

As the largest Christian religion, the Catholic church relies on its priests to lead the church congregation. A priest has to uphold all of the Catholic beliefs and values at all times. 

TIME FRAME: Becoming a Catholic priest takes eight years of education after graduating high school. The first four years are generally spent at a college or university to work on earning a Bachelors Degree, such as philosophy or religious studies. It is possible to become a priest without having a college degree. In that case, the years that are normally spent in college are spent at the seminary in a preliminary course. Next comes four years in the seminary, in which the man focuses on learning the Catholic interpretation of the Bible and other information. Once the man is out of the seminary, he enters a six-month internship, where he is considered a deacon. Once this is done, the man is a priest.

CONSIDERATIONS: Only men who take a vow of poverty, chastity and obedience can become priests. The Catholic church doesn't allow priests to marry or have romantic relationships. If a priest decides to marry, he must leave the priesthood. He can, however, serve the diocese as a deacon. 

TYPES: There are two main types of priests. Diocesan priests, who serve the diocese they preside over, and Religious Order priests, who focus on wide scale teaching and community service. While there is only one kind of Diocesan priest, there are four Religious Orders of Catholic priests. The Jesuits were originally formed by Saint Ignatius Loyola in 1540 as an independent religious organization. After discovering the organization needed the help of an established religion, he offered his organization to the Pope. The Benedictine Order is made up of monk, who are often called "black monks." The Dominicans or Order of the Friars Preachers, is part of a larger order that includes the Dominican Sisters or nuns. The Franciscans Order was originally founded by Saint Francis. It includes three divisions of priests, nuns and other religious authorities, such as deacons.

Geography: Catholic priests can be found throughout the world. The center of the priesthood is in Rome, Italy. This is where the head of the Catholic church, the Pope, lives. The majority of Catholic priests are found in Europe and North America.

Function: A Catholic priest has numerous responsibilities. They preside over mass, counsel church members, perform Catholic rites such as weddings, funerals, last rites, baptisms, communion and confession. Priests make house calls and visit people in hospitals. Many priests are active in their community.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


 ‎"One day at a time." Another assassination of personal character! I overheard a destructive comment from one individual who says that: "SAPG IS AN AJARAN SESAT". Thank you! My friend but I wish to point directly into the hole of your nose; by saying that you are suggesting to us that the Pope is wrong is recognizing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, which is being done the world over and not only in Terawi. You better think carefully before you say a word to your fellow brother¡

Be careful...with people around us......

Joeena Jymms    
What??? how can they says that "SAPG is an AJARAN SESAT? Bro Morales Michael Subinon,pity on them kan! they think they are always 'Right' in the eyes of God. Maybe they even don't know how to pray or don't know what is d Chaplet of Divine Mercy prayer. (*sigh*)

Who is doing this bro? who send THEM to say this.. tell them to repent before it is too late, tell them not to judge or they will be judge before the judgement day.. I got fed up with FOXES among the sheep, why cant we have our life like before? In Jesus Holy name may this will be end soon.. The cross getting heavier but the promises of resurrection is the BEST GIFT waiting.. this done by desperate people and control by the power of darkness.. as human we also have limit.. May the Holy Name of Jesus bless and protect them and remove the power of darkness that bind them....

Bro.Morales Michael Subinon...I also remember that some parishioners and also our beloved priest(some) almost all thru Sabah branded the neo-catechumenal community like the SAPG. But our catechist said...leave them alone...the more you entertain them...the more they work to destroy you...so, that is what I do unless otherwise that person said to me personally why he dislike the neo community. Like you said, if our beloved Pope recognise us, than what is wrong with it. JC said, if he is not against us, he is with us.....God bless.

MAYBE... this (these) kind of people(s) has (have) just returned from "heaven" and bravely enough judged fellow Christians as practicing 'ajaran sesat'. Sometimes, this (these) type of person(s) normally says something which they have actually practiced - but, before that, they must first blame their mistakes to others - very, very irresponsible 'christian(s)'. I think they cannot afford to buy a 'mirror' to see their own wrongdoings - let us donate a piece of quality mirror to them. Fellow SAPG family members, never mind, the more they judge or talk 'unchristian' or bad things about us, the more blessing and grace from the Almighty God we will accumulate - because the person(s) already directly go against the Word of God that says "DO NOT JUDGED..... (Matthew 7:1-5) but the person(s) still go against the command of our Lord Jesus Christ (I am wondering, as a mortal human being, how in the world the very person(s) that distributing the consecrated Body of Christ can utter such unholy and unchristian hateful phrase!!!! .... Unless, of course, he/she (they) are fanatically guided by Lucifer himself. Hmmmmm .... 'they' still sangat-sangat rindu with us, masih lagi jaga tepi kain dan periuk kita. Good, very good... at least they act as our bodyguards and spies because they know every inch of our movement and life...haaa...haa.....hhaaaaaa..... they have not forgotten us. May the Lord bless and save them.

Bro Wenen Bin Mobiji, I agreed with u 100%. God Bless them!

Columba Ned Moujing  
We have a very active DIVINE MERCY in England. How can DM be heretical when even some of our brothers monks are devout followers and daily prays without fail the 3 O'Clock Prayer to the Divine Mercy
You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world.
O Fountain of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.
O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of mercy for us, I trust in You.
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,
Have mercy on us and on the whole world. (3 times) 
 JESUS, King of mercy, I trust in You! Amen.
To our group SAPG, come on TAKE COURAGE , DON'T GIVE UP. Say to ourselves, 'THIS, TOO, SHALL PASS.Then we will be amazed as we realized God's Grace has pulled us through.

Columba Ned Moujing  
For those brothers and sisters who are ignorant of the Divine Mercy please read the following info for your enlightenment:Background of the Divine Mercy Devotion
Read more: http://www.ewtn.com/devotionals/mercy/backgr.htm#ixzz1sNRBGu29

This (these) people may have fallen into this sin, into this bad habit of judging others. This (these) people might excuse themselves and say that no one knows what's in their minds anyway. "BUT GOD KNOWS".

Mike, all I could comment on those people you have said such statement are really very sick people!!!!

Adalbert Abol Kinson Lets just do the appropriate i.e. PRAY FOR THEM

Wenen Bin Mobiji  
There are two scriptural verses that we should keep in mind as we involve ourselves in these devotional practices:
1. "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me" (Is 29:13);
2. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy" (Mt 5:7).
It's an ironic and somewhat frightening fact that many of the most religious people of Christ's time (people who were actively practicing their religion and eagerly awaiting the promised Messiah) were not able to recognize Him when He came.
The Pharisees, to whom Christ was speaking in the first quotation above, were very devoted to the prayers, rules, and rituals of their religion; but over the years, these outer observances had become so important in themselves that their real meaning had been lost. The Pharisees performed all the prescribed sacrifices, said all the right prayers, fasted regularly, and talked a lot of about God, but none of it had touched their hearts. As a result, they had no relationship with God, they were not living the way He wanted them to live, and they were not prepared for the coming of Jesus.

LASTLY....mostly (not all) the few 'select holy people' of the 'church' nowadays are more interested in RM ($) rather than the spiritual and unity aspects of the local congregations, managing the parish with tyranny/vengeance rather than with love and humility; rule/reign as QUEENking style, divide and antagonizing rather than functioning God's purposes, uniting and building a more peaceful and localize community orientations; prioritize quantity rather than quality; materialistic worldly inclination rather than spiritually and holistic devotions; personal agendas rather than spreading the Good News; imprinting names and wanting to be famous rather than praising God in the name of Jesus; political minded rather than religious mission; uses the Church to publish and advertise damaging remarks through homilies, notice board and church's wall rather than inspirational spiritual mediating words of comfort and free-pollution advertisements; habitually like to compare the income in the past (which was once a zone that is Kampung-kampung/village level with one weekly mass only) and the present (inaugurated as a parish which is centralized equipped and financially supported administration with almost everyday masses and RM collections) - kalau ini pun tidak faham and still cannot differentiate the obvious difference better go back to kindergarten. I myself (yang tiada sekolah, manalah kami sama si Vernon tau apa-apa, aiso noihaahaan - quoted from one of the HNCT senior parishioner) thought I could go peacefully (without being witch-hunted) after serving the Church for 35 years expecting a smooth, peaceful and more united transition and transformation but.... GOD have mercy and bless the congregations of Holy Nativity Church Terawi. Lord Jesus Christ will rule forever. AMEN!!!

Anthony Lim-Makinjal  
It is not other Christians that persecute the Catholic Church but it from within....remember JC is rejected in his own hometown....Pray for them.
why nail Jesus again? He is risen be rejoice He won over death sin and satan.
Some of our 'beloved brethren' at HNCT labeled SAPG members as 'pembangkang', 'garbage', 'now that they've gone we have more collection', other than the 'ajaran sesat' labels. Thank you very much for donating SAPG members multi-graces - because those 'slip of the tongue' words are unholy and unchristian. Our Lord Jesus Christ never taught us to hate BUT to love one another OR otherwise our 'beloved brethren' must have been 'whispered' a complete version/or in possession of the 'hate bible'. Remember, our Lord Jesus came to 'save the garbage @ sinners - NOT a holy or selected few egoistic and snobbish/proud Sanhedrin and Pharisees. If our 'beloved brethren' are really and truly devout Christian(s), please read and read the Gospels - meditate and understand the message of Love, discern the whisper of the Holy Spirit NOT what Eve instructed Adam to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge!!! When we decided to leave HNCT and formed SAPG with the objective to service prayers (on Divine Mercy, Liberation, and Holy Rosary), to look into the welfare and other religious and social activities for members only, we never thought of being given continuous 'special attention' from our 'beloved brethren'. SAPG members, until now, still maintain our low profile, we mind our own business only and no extra time to mind other people's business. Like the pastor of HNPT said, "Jangan suka mengumpat nanti mulut jadi ketupat", so we do not want to say something untrue about other people because it is a grave sin that will deduct graces from God. So, dear holy people of the Church, please concentrate on your duty to unite and build the catholic faith especially the congregations of HNCT. Do not waste your precious holy time and deducing on hearsay otherwise you will fall under the heresy trap which is punishable under hell-bound spell. You people are Church's workers alias God's helpers whilst we, the SAPG members, are just ordinary God's creations. We are well aware of our boundary: if we talk something unpleasant but the truth about the priest, the people may say we are liars and berdosa besar kalau tidak ikut cakap faado (or like the pastor told the Archbishop "they were the OLD leaders and still very, very crazy for power" - hmmmnnn bagus kalau ada gaji - buang masa dan tenaga saja) BUT if a priest open his mouth with the intention to destroy other people lives, he is not sinning but will convert hell into heaven - it is deem stamped and sealed that too impossible for a priest to lie because he is considered very, very PERFECT, more perfect than GOD the Almighty. So, we just do not want to talk ANYTHING whatever goings-on in HNCT except for the only time some of the members in SAPG now did sent some memorandum to the Archbishop (supposed to be confidential) because the Archbishop asked verbally a written 'transpired event' in HNCT. So, please leave us alone, we have a chain of families and relatives and so you too, our 'beloved brethren' of HNCT. May God bless you all abundantly. Love your enemy and remember the Our Father "....and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.." 'Beloved brethren' you point one finger to us, the other three fingers will point at you (quote from the ancient homily of our beloved Pastor of HNPT). Amen!!!

Power of the Divine Mercy Image
February 22, 1931.
In the evening, when I was in my cell, I saw the Lord Jesus clothed in a white garment. One hand raised in the gesture of blessing, the other was touching the garment at the breast. From beneath the garment, slightly drawn aside at the breast, there were emanating two large rays, one red, the other pale. In silence I kept my gaze fixed on the Lord; my soul was struck with awe, but also with great joy. After a while, Jesus said to me, Paint an image according to the pattern you see, with the signature: Jesus, I trust in You. I desire that this image be venerated, first in your chapel, and [then] throughout the world. I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish. I also promise victory over enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour if death. I myself will defend it as My own glory. (47-8)

During prayer I heard these words within me: The two rays denote Blood and Water. The pale ray stands for the Water which makes souls righteous.


Morales Michael Subinon
Something exciting befall the St. Anne Prayer Group of late. Apparently someone hung up a piece of paper bearing the Letter Head of D Seven Travel & Tours and added on it "We will be back to take over HNCT". And the names of the Com. members of SAPG followed suit at the bottom. Obviously, this FLYER is intended to smear the image of SAPG but again, this is not a smart way of doing it because this do us more good than bad. Now, we are well known. Thanks for the adverts!

Om otopot no iho Bro. om nogi aiso monongkoiho do isai kozo oh pinopodokot. Nga TUHAN KINOINGAN poingintong bo konio. Om kivaa nogi mai do boovihan dii "CLEVER CLEVER SQUIRELL JUMP IN THE END IT WILL FALL ALSO." Kamai dii konio. Thursday at 7:16am ·
Hahaha! the Lord is never asleep. He knows what is good for those people who played this out. How can they play with matters related to God? I am so worried. Berani oh, dorang ni? Thursday at 12:27pm ·
Hahahahaha...i feel funny ow...are they going to use this quote "Berani Kerana Kebenaran" ouch...I don't think so Bro...& I do agreed wt Bro VT: about the Boovihan do "Clever-Clever Squirell Jump, in the End..It will Fall to the Ground also"..., How can d SAPG hv their chance to hung up/stick it on in front of the HNCT main entrance...coz some say that "they r GARBAGE"....so hope they will think positively....God Bless them Abudantly... Friday at 2:51pm ·
It is 100% a device of their own, sister. Rumours have it that the same FLYER is also seen at UPKO Office. OMG! They are really desperate by the look of it. It looks like they are going into a WAR. What is in their mind?
Huhuhu...let them lah Bro, nobody can stop them, but we must remember this quote..."What goes around, comes around" ....Let bygones be bygones....
Hopefully those person(s) responsible will be forgiven especially during this Lent season. What to do, eventhough the information comes from my personal blog, but those detrimental remark added "We will be back to take over Holy Nativity Church Terawi" inserted in between was really the work of Lucifer's followers, the Devil. May be the person(s) responsible for it with bad intentions, has been programmed when the person(s) was(were) still in their mother's womb. And sadly to say, they used/allowed the Church to advertise it without the consent of those names listed in the group.
Canon 1369 A person who uses a public show or speech, published writings, or other media of social communication to blaspheme, seriously damage good morals, express wrongs against religion or against the Church or stir up hatred or contempt against religion or the Church is to be punished with a just penalty.
Yezzer...very true indeed - my Bro Wenen Bin Mobiji & Bro Columba Ned Moujing....May God Bless the person (s).
D'Seven was form to bring Catholic purely for pilgrimage. We have proper license which given by The Ministry of Tourism, we can see that there is a case and we could make a police report until the culprit be brought to the court. Should we do it? A hidden CCTV manage to take photo of the person involve and that is enough to take the whole bunch of them which I can say the children of the darkness, please give us your opinion and let the law handle this. As license travel agency which promoting religious tourism, we strongly against cult, blaspheme and spread hatred to the children of God.
I think we do not have any grudge with anyone of them except: only if she is not around, we will flood up HNCT again. Are we not?
We don't one another "Eve" spreading poisonous "apple" to the children of God, hiding behind the "trees of knowledge" and claim to be the chosen one.
A perfect description! why couldn't people grasp just that? And how about the person who have been; apparently put under SPELL? Why could not he escape from her web? Its all question here..... Sunday at 11:36am
100% agree with u Bro.Sunday at 5:35pm
Brother Seven Trvl : Bah, kita tengoh dulu itu gambar CCTV dan ambil tindakan yg sewajarnya. Kasi sumbat itu copy pi muka dorang klu denying lagi. Sunday at 5:51pm 
Hi Bro Morales Michael Subinon hahaha, if you are here last nite fuyuuuu, more people support us to take legal action.. biar lah diurang bilang, kita diam-diam diurang main api dia bilang, bawa saja pigi pulis dan itu undang-undang take action dia bilang.. mari giaa kita try nii, nanti malam bincang lagi sama tuu poguam. Monday at 12:12am
It is indeed saddening and sickening that the Church has to endure and go through all these never thought-off developments. I tell you, this is not building up the Church but destroying; shadowing the spiritual destruction of the Church. This is very far mis-aligned to the vision of the Parish. I really do not know what is the motive behind this? It looks like the Church is now under A KING & A QUEEN and the governance adopted is ARISTOCRACY - You must hear the QUEEN. I don't know what will turn next but what I am afraid of is: If this continues to be like this, one day no one will go to the Church. By then, they pray on their very own. God Save the Church ......
Bro...like a saying, if there is no persecution, there is no salvation...betul ka tu....leave it in the hands of d Almighty...lagi kita entertain...lagi la perkara tu membesar...let it be a natural death.....God bless.
It's really SICK, bro. really. Yeah lah, commit it to the Almighty, GOD knows it all. Hahaha! A Natural Death ......
Bro.Morales Michael Subinon...I understd u...mmg sick..esp wen it comes frm within our church n it happen dat u knw d person kan...hmmm...buat pun salah...tdk buat pun salah...wonder wic one is btul...hihihi....
Yah Lah Bro. As you said: Let it die off naturally. This is what we meant, bah kan?
but bro.. we still need to do something.. like what Jesus did in the temple.. kasi halau itu penjual dan pengacau di gereja.. if we keep quite they will open more "stall" and they thought we approve it..
They not the... hahahaha

I have something to share you: A TRUE STORY but I am not instigating the people to do this - only I fear it will happen. There was once this Sr. Manager in one of the several Oil Palm Estates in the State. He was competent but he tried something the staffs do not like. They had him tied up to the trunk of the Kelapa Sawit and call the Big Boss to have a look at him. The day itself he was sacked! Now, let us not imagine this to happen here. This is only a caution. When people get frenzy they can even put u inside a gunny sack and bring u to the Archbishop - Now! don't let this happen!

hihihi....sounds funny but will happen...don't try....like I said, let it die naturally.....
Sometimes some people cannot distinguish Church duties and personal endeavors. When most of the elders decided to 'leave' with a very very heavy heart their beloved Church and soon decided to form their own voluntary Catholic Prayer Group to service prayers, welfare and activities within the Group families circle only, the 'holy selects still serving in the Church' already judged and labeled us as GARBAGE. Some of the saying from the 'holy select' was while shaking hands "patatapon nopo ginavo kio, ingaton kama aahung dioho" (stick faithfully to this church and don't ever influence by them). Now, I'm wondering if these few 'holy selects' are christian or followers of Lucifer or cult fanatics. A real Christian must be bound duties to serve with humility, love, unite and search every single lost faithful, NEVER judge others, etcetera, etcetera... Members of SAPG 'left the church' and form a group in order to avoid any further misunderstanding and confrontations with 'the present couple' that control the Church with an iron fists. Members of SAPG never campaign or influence others to join SAPG BUT if catholic faithful wants to join the group, we welcome. What important is not the name of the group or the church or any individuals BUT to carry out Christ's works! Members of the group are free to serve anybody, any catholic churches just like what our Lord Jesus asked us to do! Members of SAPG are free to serve the Lord in HNCT but what to do members that are listed in my blog were served with show-cause and termination letters. Very, very funny oo...because I cannot recollect any given time that we signed a contract in papers as a paid workers in HNCT???... otherwise we could bring the matter to the tribunal court to claim unpaid salaries and compensation. Hmmmnnn... wonder.. wonder... some people claimed to be an expert administrator BUT.... no need to comment... see the quality output for yourself... We already washed our hands... and we will wash our feet on Holy Thursday...

Yeah! and by the way, our group is one that is just like the ambiance of brothers & sisters and is actually more active than usual. We have activities almost every day and we gave services to families that were never given notice off. Like Mother Theresa, we rub shoulders with the neglected and not only to those that are with us - we never pray so that people will leave. The Lord never advocate that but rather He ask us to love one another just like the way He love the Church. So... we may need to ponder on this and ask one self where we should stay put. Don't get trapped into the black clouds, which is hovering over the church. Lord, bless our poor substitute.

Bro Wenen Bin Mobiji & Bro Morales Michael Subinon, its very true indeed, God Bless